I think you will need to work directly with Dennis on this Chen. Same thing with Howard. If we were in the same city, I would invite you both over and show you all my documents from the past orders I have done, etc.
Unfortunately I am unable to clear the tanks through customs for you, you will have to do it yourselves.
I strongly suggest you both get a simple import company up and running, it is so easy to do and 100% free. Chen, you can claim your rays and other fish from Oliver as livestock. Howard, same thing with you and the rays you are getting from me. All the two of you have to do is call up revenue canada and tell them you want to register an import number to use for GST when you import goods. It takes only a few minutes to do.
Then you can claim these tanks as a legitimate business expense. That way you do not need to pay any PST. GST will still be payable.
Also, you will be able to declare any electricity bills or fish food bills as a legitimate expense. Even if you never sell a fish, so long as this whole operation can be explained to Rev Can as a legitimate attempt at a business, you will be able to get around the PST on the tanks.
Make sense?
Chen, I will cut and paste what you have sent me regarding the tank you want and forward in an email to Dennis (cc'd to you).
The two of you will have to work everything out with Dennis 100% direct, better to not have me as a middleman.
I will even try and bring Dennis onto this thread to say hi.