**platinum gar**


our exporter has some platinum gars available these will only be for special order only.. they are from 9-12" grade A!
prices are $9000 per piece
Nice gars!

I couldnt help but add up how much money was in the first pic... damn!

Lol...me too! I might have thought about this but I'm heading to Monaco for this years F1 so no fish funds left...thank god. Lol
thanks fellas.. ya i seen a few big ones while i was in thailand and i coldnt stop staring at them!! hope i could afford one myself soon :D
Those fish are gorgeous i was i had 9G just sitting around .... trying to find a 300 gallon+ is hard enough
I'm just going to print and cut them out and tape to my tank! Lol

ahaha i just look at the pics and do the same.. really would love to see someone get one of these! very awesome fish in person!!

I am really interest into one. Can you send me photo for exactly which one I can chose from. My email is howardhsieh@hotmail.com

these are the actual fish :) you got mail.

Those fish are gorgeous i was i had 9G just sitting around .... trying to find a 300 gallon+ is hard enough

yes dont we all lol.. 300g tank most likely gonna have to get custom built :)
I wonder how they would do with aros? Those mouths on those gars are like saws....
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