Search results

  1. R

    suuuuuuuuuuuuper reeeeeeeeed

    :D No photoshop tricks, just pure SUPER red arowana. :cool:
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    Photography presentation this weekend

    I will be doing my Aquatic Photography Presentation on sunday, May 15 for the Aquarium Society of Winnipeg. The meeting opens at 1:00 pm and the club is not charging any kind of admission. Non members are welcome to attend! There is a fish auction as well! Meetings take place at St Paul's...
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    CV Maju SR

  4. R


    Chen was looking for pics...... Beautiful plecos! Female Male Female
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    Nom nom nom

    :D click on da pix
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    Canada's new aquatic import laws

    Have you guys seen this?
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    Vendor/Buyer Feedback

    Please use the vendor/buyer feedback system provided on this forum. I see a lot of transactions taking place and I'm not sure feedback is being provided to vendors or buyers. Let's make use of it! A tutorial I hope this helps.... Clicking on the members "review #" will take you to the...
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    Buyer/Vendor Feedback

    Please use the vendor/buyer feedback system provided on this forum. I see a lot of transactions taking place and I'm not sure feedback is being provided to vendors or buyers. Let's make use of it! A tutorial I hope this helps.... Clicking on the members "review #" will take you to...
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    Vendor/Buyer feedback

    Please use the vendor/buyer feedback system provided on this forum. I see a lot of transactions taking place and I'm not sure feedback is being provided to vendors or buyers. Let's make use of it!
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    Which tank for FRT?

    I'm buying Mike's frt. According to Mike, it's about 6", shell wise. I have a few choices of tanks to put him. Please identify which tank you think is best suited. 360 g 8x3x2 22" grouchy RTG 15" orino pbass 13" lenticulata pike cichlid 2 x 13-14" marbled motoros 2 x 16" ripsaw cats...
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    B.C. visit / photo clinic

    I'm attending a wedding in Victoria late in July. I will be visiting my sisters who live in north and west Vancouver. If someone is interested in an informal "photography clinic" like the one I did in Red Deer last October, I'd be more than willing to hook up for an afternoon or evening...
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    What size UV sterilizer

    I'm in need of a UV sterilizer for a 360 gallon tank with a 75 gallon sump. How many watts? Any forum sponsors sell sterilizers?
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    looking for microchip scanner

    Anyone have a source for microchip scanners?
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    RTG Slideshow

    To celebrate his 5th birthday.....
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    Happy Holidays

    I wanted to wish everyone here a Merry Christmas and/or a safe and happy holiday and best wishes for the upcoming year! May we all become better hobbyists and may this site prosper for years to come! Gerry
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    Super Reds

    The reason I am starting this thread in my photography folder is to not only show pics of the progression of these two arowanas, but I also plan on taking pics using different settings and lighting arrangements so members can learn something about photography that I hope will lead to you guys...
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    CITIES permit

    Are owners of asian arowanas in Canada required to have copies of the cities permits for their aros?
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    CV Maju Super Red

    A few pics of the SR....About 26cm. Many more pics to come.
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    Snow~~how much you got?

    So far, Winnipeg has rec'd 37.5 cms of snow in November, and most of it in the last week. How much did YOU get so far? And are you happy about it?
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    Diet for stingrays

    Just picked up a second female marbled motoro and am currently feeding earthworms. My big female seems to prefer earthworms to shrimp as well, so I am splitting a flat of worms with a friend. Are earthworms a viable long term staple for stingrays? If so, is there a specific food for the...